Summary for H6 Five talks were given on the issues in inversions and peak fitting. Each of the speakers was asked for their opinion on the highest-priority issue that must be addressed before the SDO Launch. There was a different opinion from each speaker: Thompson: Better assessment of the input errors, particularly correlated errors. Howe: High-degree mode fits. Rhodes: An improved model of the profile asymmetry. Korzennik: Incorporate better knowledge of the instrument into the fitting procedure. Jefferies: Better computation of high-degree leaks. Note that all of these issues can be collected under one task: improved mode estimation. Thus, the group discussed how to make progress on that task. One path is to compare the five existing codes (NSO/GONG, Stanford, USC, CfA, UH) with common MDI and GONG data sets, and to generate an artifical data set with known input parameters. NSO/GONG has agreed to organize the exercise, which should begin in April. The probable participants are Hill, Howe, Rhodes, Schou, Korzennik, Jefferies with fitting techniques; Hill and Schou to provide data sets, and Toutain to generate artificial data.