Session H10: Solar Cycle, Dynamo
Friday, Feb. 17, 2006
10:30 - Noon
Organizers: Rudi Komm & Todd Hoeksema
One of the most important SDO objective is investigation of the mechanisms
of the solar cycle and dynamo. In this session we will discuss the
critical issues and measurements for this objective, such as: does the
solar dynamo work in the tachocline or in the whole convection zone,
what is the origin of torsional oscillations, how are the interior
changes related to the magnetic field patterns and evolution, what is
the role of the meridional flow, and what are the critical measurements
and data analyses that should be made by the SDO instruments for
this investigations. To start the discussion on results, challenges
and opportunities, we will have three short presentations on global
and local helioseismology and dynamo theory (about 15 min each). The
confirmed speakers are: Rachel Howe, Tom Duvall, and Mark Miesch. The
other half of the session is reserved for open discussion. Participants
are welcome to present one slide to advance the discussion.
Three 15-min summaries by confirmed speakers:
Rachel Howe: Global helioseismology - results, challenges, and opportunities
Tom Duvall: Local helioseismology - results, challenges, and opportunities
Mark Miesch: Dynamo models. What can they do for helioseismology and
what can observations do for them?
Remaining 45 minutes used to discuss how to make progress on major issues.