Session M3: Magnetic field data products
Thursday (Feburary 16) 3:15PM-4:45PM
Session Leaders: Yang Liu & Rasmus Larsen
3:15-3:30 Y. Liu: Overview of magnetic field data products
(a preliminary plan).
3:30-3:45 B. Welsch: ILCT code for deriving surface flow.
3:45-4:00 J. McTiernan: Non-linear force-free field calculation
from the optimization algorithm.
4:00-4:15 S. T. Wu: Data-driven MHD simulation for evolution of the
active regions (local-scale magnetic field).
4:15-4:30 Z. Mikic: MHD method/codes for coronal/heliospheric structures
including steady solar wind model (large-scale magnetic fields).
4:30-4:45 Discussions.
Topics to be addressed:
1. Nature of the codes (Language, etc);
2. Additional supporting softwares (IDL, MATLIB, ...);
3. Computational requirements (run time estimate, system
requirements, etc);
4. Requirements for the input data and format of the output products;
5. Potential challenges, test procedures, target date for completion
of codes, etc...