SESSION: C8 Coronal Data Products SESSION ORGANIZERS: DeRosa/Liu/Larsen SUMMARY: In this session, we will identify the list of coronal data products needed to accomplish the five objectives of the AIA science investigation as outlined in the AIA concept study report, and categorize the associated software algorithms in one of the following categories: (1) algorithms ready to be incorporated in the JSOC pipelines today, (2) algorithms expected to be incorporated in the JSOC pipelines, but are not ready yet, (3) unclear whether algorithms will be incorporated in the JSOC pipelines, either because the algorithms are still in the nascent stages of development or because the computational demand is too high. SPEAKERS: The speakers include the session leaders from the coronal topical sessions, each talking for no more than 10 minutes. Afterword, there will be a moderated discussion period to deal with the categorization. Tom Metcalf/Karel Schrijver: coronal energy inputs, storage, and release Harry Warren/Piet Martens: coronal heating and irradiance Leon Golub/Nariaki Nitta: coronal transients Steve Fuselier/Zoran Mikic: connections to geospace Bart De Pontieu/Ed DeLuca: coronal seismology Marc DeRosa: moderator for remaining time