genda: H6: Global Helioseismology Techniques & Data Products 10:30-12:00 Thursday, 2/16 90 Minutes 10:30-10:40: Mike Thompson: Inversions 10:40-10:50: Rachel Howe: Inversions 10:50-11:10: Discussion of inversion issues 11:10-11:20: Ed Rhodes: Ridge fitting 11:20-11:30: Sylvain Korzennik: Ridge fitting 11:30-11:40: Stuart Jefferies: Global spectrum fitting 11:40-12:00: Discussion of spectrum fitting issues Speakers are requested to primarily present their perspective on technical challenges and possible paths and plans for making progress, rather than describing the current state of their art. Speakers should also have recommendations for relevant data products. One view of the major issues: Improvement of exisiting fitting and leakage matrix calulations; development of ridge fitting and global fitting; and development of near surface kernel calculations and inversions. Please refer to the Session Template for further information and starting points. If you feel that a major point has been overlooked, please bring it to my attention as soon as possible. The Session Template Draft 1 is available at