View or download complete magnetic synoptic charts by completing the box below.
The latest complete HMI synoptic chart is CR
The first available HMI synoptic chart is CR 2096 (2010.05.06).
The first available MDI synoptic chart is CR 1909 (1996.05.18).
The final available MDI synoptic chart is CR 2104 (2010.12.10).
MDI Polar Field Corrected
Charts are available for CR 1911-2104.
Handy Table of Carrington Rotation Start and Stop Times
Descriptions of Available Synoptic Images
HMI Synoptic Maps
HMI Carrington Rotation synoptic charts are generated using near-central-meridian data from 20 magnetograms.
Line-of-sight and Inferred Radial Synoptic maps are available in two sizes: 3600*1440 and 720*360.
Definitive maps are made using 720s HMI magnetograms after the Carrington Rotation is Complete.
Daily maps are updated every 24 hours with the latest nrt data within 60 degrees of CM.
Summary and some
Detailed documentation is available.
Quick link:
MDI Carrington Rotation synoptic charts are generated from 20 definitive MDI level 1.8 magnetograms.
MDI full-disk magnetograms were re-calibrated
in December 2008 using an improved procedure.
MDI Data files and plots made after 26 January, 2009 use recalibrated data.