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Data Product Descriptions


Data Series Class: ring fits for structure
Creating Module: rdfitc
Input Data: hmi.rdVpspec_fd05

Data Processing Status

Data for CR 2096:240–2125:030 (1 May 2010 – 16 July 2012) were based on data mapped and tracked using a camera position angle that was subsequently established to about 0°.07 in error and corrected. Reprocessing of the tracked cubes using the corrected angle, and of the data products dependent on them, is complete.

Data for CR 2202:270, 2202:210–180, and 2203:270 were based on data tracked without background subtraction.

Data for CR 2098:360 through CR 2234:005 are based on data mapped and tracked using an ephemeris value for the Carrington longitude of disc centre that was in error by 0°.0819. Data reprocessed since 2020.09.26 are based on tracked data corrected for this error.

Versions of creating module used to produce records in the data series:

The following records have been subsequently reprocessed and exist in multiple versions in the DRMS database:

Records for CR 2096–2101 that were reprocessed in 2020 (between Sep 26 and Dec 8) were subsequently removed due to an error in the tracking code used at the time on which the data were based.

Some records apparently disappeared from the DRMS database sometime after the time of their creation, and were subsequently recreated:

For current processing status, see the Ring-Diagram Status page.

See also the status report for the source spectra.

Data Notes

The fixed arguments to rdfitc that have been used in populating this series are: Although setting of the keywords n_i_fits etc. for the mode fit counts and frequency extrema by order was implemented in version v 1.1 of the processing module, the relevant keywords were not added to the data series until processing with version v 1.2 began. Consequently the values of these keywords are unset (Postgres NULL) in all records processed with versions below v 1.2.

JSOC Series Definition

#=====Global Series Information=====
Seriesname:	hmi.rdVfitsc_fd05
Description:	"ring fits to power spectra of 5-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/72 CR"
Author:		"Rick Bogart"
Archive:	1
Unitsize:	1
Retention:	2000
Tapegroup:	6
PrimeKeys:	CarrRot, CMLon, LonHG, LatHG, LonCM
Version:	2.1


Link: Source, hmi.rdVpspec_fd05, dynamic, "input data cube"

# ===== Keyword list ===== #
# Format:
#   Keyword: <name>, link, <linkname>, <target keyword name>, <comment>
# or
#   Keyword: <name>, <datatype>, {constant | variable}, {record | segment}, 
#            <default value>, <format>, <unit>, <comment>

Keyword: CarrRot, int, variable, record, -1,  %d, NA, "Carrington rotation at MidTime"
Keyword: CMLon,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %03.0f, deg, "Longitude of central meridian at MidTime"
Keyword: LonHG,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %05.1f, deg, "Carrington Longitude of tracked region center"
Keyword: LatHG,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %+05.1f, deg, "Latitude of tracked region center"
Keyword: LonCM,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %+05.1f,  deg, "CM (Stonyhurst) Longitude of region center at MidTime"
Keyword: Module,  string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Creating module"
Keyword: Source,  string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Data source"
Keyword: Created, time,   variable, record, JD_0, -1, ISO, "Creation time"
Keyword: BLD_VERS,string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "JSOC library build"
Keyword: HISTORY, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Record modification history"
Keyword: n_0_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 0"
Keyword: n_0_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 0"
Keyword: n_0_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 0"
Keyword: n_1_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 1"
Keyword: n_1_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 1"
Keyword: n_1_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 1"
Keyword: n_2_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 2"
Keyword: n_2_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 2"
Keyword: n_2_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 2"
Keyword: n_3_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 3"
Keyword: n_3_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 3"
Keyword: n_3_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 3"
Keyword: n_4_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 4"
Keyword: n_4_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 4"
Keyword: n_4_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 4"
Keyword: n_5_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 5"
Keyword: n_5_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 5"
Keyword: n_5_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 5"
Keyword: n_6_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 6"
Keyword: n_6_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 6"
Keyword: n_6_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 6"
Keyword: n_7_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 7"
Keyword: n_7_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 7"
Keyword: n_7_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 7"
Keyword: n_8_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 8"
Keyword: n_8_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 8"
Keyword: n_8_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 8"
Keyword: n_9_fits,int,    variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 9"
Keyword: n_9_fmin,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 9"
Keyword: n_9_fmax,float,  variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 9"
Keyword: n_10_fits,int,   variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Number of converged fits for radial order 10"
Keyword: n_10_fmin,float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Minimum frequency of converged fits for radial order 10"
Keyword: n_10_fmax,float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uHz, "Maximum frequency of converged fits for radial order 10"
# the following are links to keywords in the source data cube
Keyword: MAI,     link, Source,  MAI,      "Magnetic Activity Index"
Keyword: MidTime, link, Source,  MidTime,  "Midpoint of tracking interval"
Keyword: T_START, link, Source,  T_START,  "Start of tracking interval"
Keyword: T_STOP,  link, Source,  T_STOP,   "End of tracking interval"
Keyword: LonSpan, link, Source,  LonSpan,  "Longitude span of tracking interval"
Keyword: Coverage,link, Source,  Coverage, "Duty cycle (valid images/total frames)"
Keyword: ZonalVel,link, Source,  ZonalVel, "Zonal tracking velocity at RSunRef and LatHG"
Keyword: Apode_f, link, Source,  Apode_f,  "Temporal apodization edge"
Keyword: APOD_MIN,link, Source,  APOD_MIN, "Inner spatial apodization edge"
Keyword: APOD_MAX,link, Source,  APOD_MAX, "Outer spatial apodization edge"
Keyword: MeanMU,  link, Source,  MeanMU,   "Mean center-to-limb distance"
Keyword: MeanLat, link, Source,  MeanLat,  "Mean latitude of mapped region"
# remainder are constant for series
Keyword: MapProj, string, constant, record, Postel,  %s, NA, "Original map projection"
Keyword: MapScale,float,  constant, record, 0.04, %.3f, deg/pxl, "Original map scale"
Keyword: Map_PA,  float,  constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "Original map position angle"
Keyword: Duration,float,  constant, record, 34560.0, %.1f, s, "Length of tracking interval"
Keyword: Cadence, float,  constant, record, 45.0, %.1f, s, "Temporal image cadence"
Keyword: Size,    float,  constant, record, 5.12, %.2f, deg, "Mean extent of region (nominal)"
Keyword: Width,   float,  constant, record, 5.12, %.2f, deg, "Longitude extent of region (nominal)"
Keyword: Height,  float,  constant, record, 5.12, %.2f, deg, "Latitude extent of region (nominal)"
Keyword: ZonalTrk,float,  constant, record, 0.000000, %.6f, urad/s, "Meridional tracking rate"
Keyword: LonDrift,float,  constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, deg, "Longitude drift over tracking interval"
Keyword: MeridTrk,float,  constant, record, 0.000000, %.6f, urad/s, "Meridional tracking rate"
Keyword: MeridVel,float,  constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, m/s, "Meridional tracking velocity at RSunRef"
Keyword: LatDrift,float,  constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, deg, "Latitude drift over tracking interval"
Keyword: RSunRef, float,  constant, record, 696.0, %.1f, Mm, "Reference value of solar radius"
# prime key slotting info (hidden)
Keyword: CMLon_base, float, constant, record, 360, %.0f, deg, "CMLon index base"
Keyword: CMLon_step, float, constant, record, -5, %.0f, deg, "CMLon index step"
Keyword: LonHG_base, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index base"
Keyword: LonHG_step, float, constant, record, 2.5, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index step"
Keyword: LatHG_base, float, constant, record, 90.0, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index base"
Keyword: LatHG_step, float, constant, record, -2.5, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index step"
Keyword: LonCM_base, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index base"
Keyword: LonCM_step, float, constant, record, 2.5, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index step"

# Format:
# Data: <name>, {constant | variable | vardim}, <type>,
#       <naxis>, <axis_0>, <axis_1>,...,<axis_{naxis-1}>, 
#       <unit>, <protocol>, <comment> 
Data: fit.out, vardim, char, 0, NA, generic, "fit parameters"
Data: Log, vardim, char, 0, NA, generic, "run log"

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