The following keys may occur in data series in this class, and if present
will be appropriately set by
maicalc (Version 2.1 or higher) from required or optional input
parameters and data:
MAI, float, "Magnetic Activity Index"
dMAIdt, float, "Rate of change of Magnetic Activity Index"
MeanBigBz,float, "Signed mean of strong field"
dMnBigBdt,float, "Rate of change of signed strong field mean"
BigBArea, float, "Fraction of area covered by contributing field"
T_OBS, time, "Effective sample-weighted observation time"
BMin, float, "Minimum contributing Bz value"
LonBMin, float, "Longitude of minimum contributing Bz value"
LatBMin, float, "Latitude of minimum contributing Bz value"
t_BMin, time, "Time of minimum contributing Bz value"
BMax, float, "Maximum contributing Bz value"
LonBMax, float, "Longitude of maximum contributing Bz value"
LatBMax, float, "Latitude of maximum contributing Bz value"
t_BMax, time, "Time of maximum contributing Bz value"
RMax, float, "Maximum magram r/R location in apodization circle"
MeanMu, float, "Mean center-to-limb parameter"
MeanPA, float, "Mean position angle on image"
BadPix, float, "Maggram pixel fraction in apodization circle offlimb or despiked"
Samples, short, "Number of contributing time samples"
Module, string, "Creation module"
Source, string, "Input data source"
Backgrnd, string, "Background image subtracted from data"
Created, time, "Record creation time"
BLD_VERS, string, "JSOC library build"
MapProj, string, "Map projection"
MapScale, float, "Map scale"
BFloor, float, "Cutoff for rejection of weak field"
Size, float, "Diameter of region (nominal)"
Apode_t, float, "Temporal apodization edge"
Apod_Min, float, "Inner spatial apodization edge"
Apod_Max, float, "Outer spatial apodization edge"