#=====General Series Information=====
Seriesname: hmi.V_avg120
Description: "Temporal averages of HMI Vgrams over 1/3 CR"
Author: "Rick Bogart"
Archive: 1
Unitsize: 1
Retention: 1800
Tapegroup: 1
PrimeKeys: CarrRot, CMLon
Keyword: CarrRot, int, variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Carrington rotation at MidTime"
Keyword: CMLon, float, slot, record, 360, %03.0f, deg, "Longitude of central meridian at MidTime"
Keyword: CRPIX1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, pixel, "Average WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: D_CRPIX1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, pixel, "RMS of WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: CRPIX2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, pixel, "Average WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: D_CRPIX2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, pixel, "RMS of WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: CDELT1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, arcsec/pixel, "Average WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: D_CDELT1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, arcsec/pixel, "RMS of WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CDELT2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, arcsec/pixel, "Average WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: D_CDELT2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, arcsec/pixel, "RMS of WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CROTA2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, deg, "Average WCS rotational angle"
Keyword: D_CROTA2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, deg, "RMS of WCS rotational angle"
Keyword: T_OBS, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, TAI, "Average of observation time"
Keyword: D_T_OBS, float, variable, record, NaN, %.0f, s, "RMS of observation time"
Keyword: MidTime, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, TAI, "Midpoint of averaging interval"
Keyword: DataRecs, int, variable, record, 0, %d, NA, "Number of valid input records"
Keyword: MissRecs, int, variable, record, 0, %d, NA, "Number of skipped input records"
Keyword: Quality, int, variable, record, 0x00000000, %08x, NA, "Data Quality flag"
Keyword: MeanMIN, float, variable, record, nan, %.1f, m/s, "Minimum value in Mean image"
Keyword: MeanMAX, float, variable, record, nan, %.1f, m/s, "Maximum value in Mean image"
Keyword: MeanAVG, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, m/s, "Mean value of Mean image"
Keyword: MeanRMS, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, m/s, "RMS value of Mean image"
Keyword: MeanSKEW, float, variable, record, nan, %.3f, "", "Skewness of Mean image values"
Keyword: MeanKURT, float, variable, record, nan, %.3f, "", "Kurtosis (of Mean image values"
Keyword: PowrMIN, float, variable, record, nan, %.3e, m2/s2, "Minimum value in Power image"
Keyword: PowrMAX, float, variable, record, nan, %.3e, m2/s2, "Maximum value in Power image"
Keyword: PowrAVG, float, variable, record, nan, %.3e, m2/s2, "Mean value of Power image"
Keyword: PowrRMS, float, variable, record, nan, %.3e, m2/s2, "RMS value of Power image"
Keyword: PowrSKEW, float, variable, record, nan, %.3f, "", "Skewness of Power image values"
Keyword: PowrKURT, float, variable, record, nan, %.3f, "", "Kurtosis (of Power image values"
Keyword: CountMIN, int, variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Minimum value in Count image"
Keyword: CountMAX, int, variable, record, -1, %d, "", "Maximum value in Count image"
Keyword: OBS_VR, double, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, m/s, "Average observer heliocentric radial velocity"
Keyword: D_OBS_VR, double, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, m/s, "RMS of observer heliocentric radial velocity"
Keyword: OBS_VW, double, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, m/s, "Average observer heliocentric westward in plane of Carrington equator velocity"
Keyword: D_OBS_VW, double, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, m/s, "RMS of observer heliocentric westward in plane of Carrington equator velocity"
Keyword: OBS_VN, double, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, m/s, "Average observer heliocentric northward velocity wrt Carrington"
Keyword: D_OBS_VN, double, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, m/s, "RMS of observer heliocentric northward velocity wrt Carrington"
Keyword: DSUN_OBS, double, variable, record, NaN, %12.5e, m, "Average observer heliocentric distance"
Keyword: D_DSUN_OBS,double,variable, record, NaN, %12.5e, m, "RMS of observer heliocentric distance"
Keyword: CRLN_OBS, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, deg, "Average observer Carrington longitude"
Keyword: D_CRLN_OBS, float,variable, record, NaN, %.2f, deg, "RMS of observer Carrington longitude"
Keyword: CRLT_OBS, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, deg, "Average observer heliographic latitude"
Keyword: D_CRLT_OBS, float,variable, record, NaN, %.2f, deg, "RMS of observer heliographic latitude"
Keyword: RSUN_OBS, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, arcsec, "Average solar angular radius"
Keyword: D_RSUN_OBS, float,variable, record, NaN, %.2f, arcsec, "RMS of solar angular radius"
Keyword: T_FIRST, time, variable, record, JD_0, 0, TAI, "Earliest time in input data"
Keyword: T_LAST, time, variable, record, JD_0, 0, TAI, "Latest time in input data"
Keyword: Module, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Creation module"
Keyword: BLD_VERS, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "JSOC library build version"
Keyword: Source, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Source DRMS data series"
Keyword: Input, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Input DRMS dataset specification"
Keyword: Created, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, Z, "Record creation time"
Keyword: HISTORY, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Record modification history"
Keyword: WCSNAME, string, constant, record, "Helioprojective-cartesian", %s, NA, "WCS name"
Keyword: WCSAXES, int, constant, record, 2, %d, "", "Number of WCS axes"
Keyword: CTYPE1, string, constant, record, HPLN-TAN, %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CTYPE2, string, constant, record, HPLT-TAN, %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CUNIT1, string, constant, record, arcsec, %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CUNIT2, string, constant, record, arcsec, %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CRVAL1, float, constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, arcsec, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRVAL2, float, constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, arcsec, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: Interval, float, constant, record, 120.0, %.1f, deg, "Averaging interval in units of Carrington rotation"
Keyword: TELESCOP, string, constant, record, SDO/HMI, %s, NA, "Telescope used to acquire the data"
Keyword: WAVELNTH, float, constant, record, 6173.0, %.1f, Å, "Observing wavelength"
Keyword: ORIGIN, string, constant, record, "SDO/JSOC-SDP", %s, NA, "Organization creating the record"
Keyword: RSunRef, float, constant, record, 696.0, %.1f, Mm, "Reference value of solar radius"
# prime key slotting info (hidden)
Keyword: CMLon_base, float, constant, record, 360.0, %.1f, deg, "CMLon index base"
Keyword: CMLon_step, float, constant, record, -60.0, %.1f, deg, "CMLon index step"
Data: mean, variable, short, 2, 4096, 4096, m/s, fits, "compress Rice", 0.0, 0.25, "Doppler mean"
Data: power, variable, short, 2, 4096, 4096, m2/s2, fits, "compress Rice", 327670.0, 10.0, "Doppler power"
Data: valid, variable, short, 2, 4096, 4096, NA, fits, "", 32767.0, 1.0, "valid pixel count"
Data: Log, variable, char, 0, NA, generic, "run log"