HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Data Series Specifications
pspec – (ring diagram) power spectra
- Data Series class
- power spectra of (tracked) (mapped) data cubes
Data Series included
- Individual Data Series notes
- See the notes for the parent class
tracked cubes.
- Data Record organization
Individual records correspond to data cubes with a unique set of the
union of the prime keyword values, corresponding to records on one of
the track data series.
Individual records are expected to be referenced by at least three prime
keys describing the spatial and temporal locations of the corresponding
tracked cubes. Additional prime keys are necessary if the data series
mixes spectra for the same time and location, but different other parameters,
such as observable, data source, region size, length of tracking interval,
tracking rate, etc.
- Data Segments
The data segments, the actual power spectral density data cube, are expected
to be stored as either bin or fits protocol files, with the
values being the logarithms of the power stored as 16-bit fixed point numbers
with appropriate BSCALE and BZERO values.
The files can be stored with fits (compress) or bin.gz protocols,
but that achieves relative;y modest compression in typical realistic cases
– 8% to 11% for fits binary table compression, and only 6% to 8% for
bin.gz. For a discussion of the various segment protocols, see
Currently there is only one data segment per record, namely the 3-dimensional
data cube described above. It would be possible to put additional data in
other segments that would be unwieldy to store in the database. An example
that comes to mind is the window function from the tracking, if that would
be useful.
- Prime Keywords
- The following prime keys are expected to be common to data series in
this class:
MidTime, time, "Midpoint of tracking interval"
CarrRot, int, "Carrington rotation at MidTime"
CMLon, float, "Longitude of central meridian at MidTime"
LonHG, float, "Carrington longitude of tracked region center"
LatHG, float, "Latitude of tracked region center"
LonCM, float, "CM (Stonyhurst) longitude of tracked region center at MidTime"
Sample series:
This is a very general series designed to hold results of experiments with
various parameters, such as tracking rates, map projections, areas and time
lengths. It is a very general series, and as such would requires a large
number of prime keys in order to distinguish output of the various tests;
so many in fact that they would exceed the DRMS limits, so their values
are concatenated into a single string in the (virtual) prime key
PrimeKeyString (which does not show up in headers of exported
FITS files)
header of exported FITS file if uncompressed
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 128 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 128 / length of data axis 2
NAXIS3 = 832 / length of data axis 3
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
CARRROT = 1987
LATHG = -52.5
MIDTIME = '2002.03.30_00:44:30_TAI'
APODIZNG= 0.96875
MAP_PROJ= 'Postels'
MAP_PA = 0
WIDTH = 16
APOD_MIN= 0.9375
APOD_MAX= 0.9375
CDELT1 = 0.0323276
CDELT2 = 0.0323276
CDELT3 = 6.29325E-05
CRPIX1 = 64.5
CRPIX2 = 64.5
DELTA_K = 0.0323276
DELTA_NU= 10.016
D_OMEGA = 6.29325E-05
DATAMIN = 6.06768
DATAMAX = 40.7655
LOG_BASE= 2.71828
MODULE = 'powsp3d'
WCSNAME = 'k_x-k_y_omega'
CRVAL1 = 0
CRVAL2 = 0
CRVAL3 = 0
CUNIT1 = 'Mm-1'
CUNIT2 = 'Mm-1'
CUNIT3 = 's-1'
CRPIX3 = 1
MIDTIMEB= '1976.11.30_23:59:28_TAI'
MIDTIMEI= 7992027020
LOGPBZER= 23.4166
LOGPBSCA= 0.000578296
BLANK = -32768
BZERO = 23.41657
BSCALE = 0.0005782961
=-=-= End of header. 64 cards (2 FITS records) =-=-=
=-=-= Skipped 27262976 bytes of data (9466r896 FITS records) =-=-=
=-=-= End-of-File, 27270720 bytes in file (9469r0 FITS records) =-=-=
Seriesname: su_rsb.Vpspec
Description: "power spectra of tracked mapped Doppler cubes"
Author: "Rick Bogart"
Archive: 0
Unitsize: 1
Retention: 30
Tapegroup: 0
#PrimeKeys: CarrRot, LonHG, LatHG, LonHG, MidTime, Duration, Width, Height, Scale, ZRate, MRate, PosAng
PrimeKeys: CarrRot, LonHG, LatHG, LonHG, MidTime, Duration, ZonalTrk, MeridTrk, MAP_PROJ, MAPSCALE, MAP_PA, APOD_MIN, APOD_MAX, APODIZNG
DBIndex: CarrRot, LonHG, LatHG, LonHG
Version: 2.1
# ===== Keyword list ===== #
# Format:
# Keyword: <name>, link, <linkname>, <target keyword name>, <comment>
# or
# Keyword: <name>, <datatype>, {constant | variable}, {record | segment},
# <default value>, <format>, <unit>, <comment>
Keyword: CarrRot, int, variable, record, -1, %d, NA, "Carrington rotation at MidTime"
Keyword: LonHG, float, slot, record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Longitude of tracked region center"
Keyword: LatHG, float, slot, record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Latitude of tracked region center"
Keyword: MidTime, time, slot, record, NaN, 0, TAI, "Midpoint of tracking interval"
Keyword: Duration,int, variable, record, -1, %d, min, "Length of tracking interval"
Keyword: ZonalTrk,float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, urad/s, "Zonal tracking rate (rel to Carrington)"
Keyword: MeridTrk,float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, urad/s, "Meridional tracking rate"
Keyword: MAPSCALE,float, variable, record, NaN, %.5f, deg/pxl, "Original map scale"
Keyword: MAP_PROJ,string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Original map projection"
Keyword: MAP_PA, float, variable, record, NaN, %.5f, deg, "Original map position angle"
Keyword: APOD_MIN,float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, NA, "Inner spatial apodization edge"
Keyword: APOD_MAX,float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, NA, "Outer spatial apodization edge"
Keyword: APODIZNG,float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, NA, "Temporal apodization edge"
Keyword: CDELT1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, deg, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CDELT2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, NA, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CDELT3, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, NA, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CRPIX1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: CRPIX2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: DELTA_K, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, "Mm-1", "delta-k"
Keyword: DELTA_NU,float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, "uHz", "delta-freq"
Keyword: D_OMEGA, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, "sec-1", "delta-omega"
Keyword: DataMin, float , variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, NA, "log (max power spectral density)"
Keyword: DataMax, float , variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, NA, "log (min power spectral density)"
Keyword: LOG_BASE,double ,variable, record, NaN, %18.12e, NA, "log base for power spectral density"
Keyword: Module, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Creating module"
# remainder are constant for series
Keyword: WCSNAME, string, constant, record, "k_x-k_y_omega", %s, NA, "WCS name"
Keyword: WCSAXES, int, constant, record, 3, %d, NA, "Number of WCS axes"
Keyword: CTYPE1, string, constant, record, "WAVE-NUM", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CTYPE2, string, constant, record, "WAVE-NUM", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CTYPE3, string, constant, record, "FREQ-ANG", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CRVAL1, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRVAL2, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRVAL3, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, sec, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CUNIT1, string, constant, record, "Mm-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CUNIT2, string, constant, record, "Mm-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CUNIT3, string, constant, record, "s-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CRPIX3, float, constant, record, 1.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
# ancillary keywords for slotted keys
Keyword: LonHG_base , float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index base"
Keyword: LonHG_step, float, constant, record, 0.1, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index step"
Keyword: LatHG_base, float, constant, record, -90.0, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index base"
Keyword: LatHG_step, float, constant, record, 0.1, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index step"
Keyword: MidTime_base, time, constant, record, 1977.0_TDT, 0, TAI, "MidTime index base"
Keyword: MidTime_step, double, constant, record, 0.1, %.1f, sec, "MidTime index step"
# Format:
# Data: <name>, {constant | variable | vardim}, <type>,
# <naxis>, <axis_0>, <axis_1>,...,<axis_{naxis-1}>,
# <unit>, <protocol>, <comment>
Data: logP, vardim, short, 3, *, *, *, ln(m2/s2/Hz), bin, 0.0, 1.0, "Power spectral density"