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Pipeline Data Series Specifications

ringsinv – structure inversions of ring diagram mode/ridge fits

Data Series class
structure inversions of ring diagram fits to power spectra of (tracked) (mapped) data cubes

Data Record organization
Individual records correspond to inversions of sets of mode fits to a set of records of one of the ringfits data series. Consequently there may be a many-to-one mapping of the prime keys of the input data series to those of the output data series, and the number of prime keys for the output series is likely to be less than that for the input series. Data series with the full range of prime keys describing each analysis region uniquely are discouraged, as the data segments from the inversions are so small, and since they are expected to be used in large groups anyway. The prime keys for various series may be restricted to the "observation" time (CarrRot plus CMLon), particular latitudes or longitudes over the course of a rotation ((CarrRot plus either LonHG or LatHG), or just the rotation itself.
Because data from multiple fits are expected to be included in a single DRMS record, the number of relevant keys with data applicable to all inversions in the record is likely to be small, probably restricted to the parameter values of the particular module run. These may in fact be candidates for prime keys, when the comparison of inversions with different parameters is desired.

Data Segments
The data series contains at least one record segment purely for the purpose of assigning SUMS storage; it is not otherwise used. The SUMS directory is filled with named files corresponding to the individual regions for which the inversions are applicable.
The data corresponding to the individual inversions are stored in ASCII files. The format of the ASCII files produced by the module rdsinv is as follows:
Sample file

Prime Keywords
The following prime keys may occur in data series in this class, but as discussed above, they are unlikely to all be present:
Keyword:CarrRot, int,	 variable, record, -1,  %d, NA,    "Carrington rotation"
Keyword:CMLon,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Carrington central longitude at tracking time"
Keyword:LonHG,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Longitudes of tracked region centers"
Keyword:LatHG,   float,  slot,     record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Latitudes of tracked region centers"

Additional Keywords
The following keywords are currently set by the module producing data in this class:
Keyword:NumO,    int,    variable, record, -1, %d, NA, "Number of knots in frequency"
Keyword:NumW,    int,    variable, record, -1, %d, NA, "Number of knots in w (acoustic depth)"
Keyword:NumSol,  int,    variable, record, -1, %d, NA, "Number of solution points"
Keyword:Source,  string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Input series of fit parameters"
Keyword:Compare, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Comparison series of fit parameters"
Keyword:Module,  string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Creating module"
Keyword:Created, time,   variable, record, JD_0, -1, Z, "File creation time"

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