#=====General Series Information=====
Seriesname: hmi.rdVavgpspec_fd30
Description: "Averages of power spectra of 30-deg cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid over full CR"
Author: "Rick Bogart"
Archive: 1
Unitsize: 1
Retention: 1800
Tapegroup: 311
PrimeKeys: CarrRot, LatHG, LonCM
DBIndex: CarrRot, LatHG, LonCM
Version: 2.1
Keyword: CarrRot, int, variable, record, -1, %d, NA, "Carrington rotation at MidTime"
Keyword: LatHG, float, slot, record, NaN, %+05.1f, deg, "Latitude of tracked region center"
Keyword: LonCM, float, slot, record, NaN, %+05.1f, deg, "CM (Stonyhurst) Longitude of region center at MidTime"
Keyword: CRPIX1, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: CRPIX2, float, variable, record, NaN, %.2f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: CDELT1, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, Mm-1/voxel, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CDELT2, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, Mm-1/voxel, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: CDELT3, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, sec-1/voxel, "WCS coordinate increment at reference point"
Keyword: DELTA_K, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, Mm-1, "delta-k (from first record)"
Keyword: DELTA_NU, float, variable, record, NaN, %.5f, "uHz", "delta-freq (from first record)"
Keyword: D_OMEGA, float, variable, record, NaN, %13.6e, "sec-1", "delta-omega (from first record)"
Keyword: DataRecs, int, variable, record, 0, %d, NA, "Number of valid input records"
Keyword: MissRecs, int, variable, record, 0, %d, NA, "Number of skipped input records"
Keyword: Module, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Creation module"
Keyword: Source, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Input data source"
Keyword: Input, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Input data records"
Keyword: Created, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, ISO, "Creation time"
Keyword: HISTORY, string, variable, record, "", %s, NA, "Record modification history"
Keyword: BLD_VERS, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "JSOC library build"
Keyword: LOG_BASE, double ,variable, record, NaN, %18.12e, NA, "log base for power spectral density"
Keyword: MeanMIN, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, ln(m/s), "Minimum value in Mean image"
Keyword: MeanMAX, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, ln(m/s), "Maximum value in Mean image"
Keyword: MeanAVG, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, ln(m/s), "Mean value of Mean image"
Keyword: MeanRMS, float, variable, record, nan, %.2f, ln(m/s), "RMS value of Mean image"
Keyword: Apode_f, float, variable, record, NaN, %.5f, NA, "Temporal apodization edge (from first record)"
Keyword: APOD_MIN, double, variable, record, NaN, %.7f, NA, "Inner spatial apodization edge (from first record)"
Keyword: APOD_MAX, float, variable, record, NaN, %.4f, NA, "Outer spatial apodization edge (from first record)"
Keyword: WCSNAME, string, constant, record, "k_x/k_y/omega", %s, NA, "WCS name"
Keyword: WCSAXES, int, constant, record, 3, %d, NA, "Number of WCS axes"
Keyword: CTYPE1, string, constant, record, "WAVE-NUM", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CTYPE2, string, constant, record, "WAVE-NUM", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CTYPE3, string, constant, record, "FREQ-ANG", %s, NA, "WCS axis type"
Keyword: CUNIT1, string, constant, record, "Mm-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CUNIT2, string, constant, record, "Mm-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CUNIT3, string, constant, record, "s-1", %s, NA, "WCS axis units"
Keyword: CRVAL1, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRVAL2, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRVAL3, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference point value"
Keyword: CRPIX3, float, constant, record, 1.0, %.1f, NA, "WCS reference pixel location"
Keyword: MapProj, string, constant, record, Postel, %s, NA, "Map projection"
Keyword: MapScale,float, constant, record, 0.080, %.3f, deg/voxel, "Map scale"
Keyword: Map_PA, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "Position angle of Carrington north wrt axis 2"
Keyword: Size, float, constant, record, 30.72, %.2f, deg, "Diameter of region (nominal)"
Keyword: Width, float, constant, record, 30.72, %.2f, deg, "Equatorial longitude extent of region (nominal)"
Keyword: Height, float, constant, record, 30.72, %.2f, deg, "Latitude extent of region (nominal)"
Keyword: Duration,float, constant, record, 207360.0, %.1f, s, "Length of tracking interval"
Keyword: Cadence, float, constant, record, 45.0, %.1f, s/voxel, "Temporal image cadence"
Keyword: ZonalTrk,float, constant, record, 0.000000, %.6f, urad/s, "Zonal tracking rate (rel to Carrington)"
Keyword: LonDrift,float, constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, deg, "Longitude drift over tracking interval"
Keyword: MeridTrk,float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, urad/s, "Meridional tracking rate"
Keyword: MeridVel,float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, m/s, "Meridional tracking velocity at RSunRef"
Keyword: LatDrift,float, constant, record, 0.000, %.3f, deg, "Latitude drift over tracking interval"
Keyword: RSunRef, float, constant, record, 696.0, %.1f, Mm, "Reference value of solar radius"
# prime key slotting info (hidden)
Keyword: LatHG_base, float, constant, record, 90.0, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index base"
Keyword: LatHG_step, float, constant, record, -15.0, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index step"
Keyword: LonCM_base, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index base"
Keyword: LonCM_step, float, constant, record, 15.0, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index step"
Data: logP, variable, short, 3, 384, 384, 2304, log(m2/s2/pxl3), fits, "", 0.0, 0.5, "Mean power spectral density"