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HMI Ring Diagrams Data Product Descriptions |
07.22_14:00 – 23:59 07.23_12:00 – 23:59 07.24_00:00 – 09:59, 14:00 – 23:59 07.25_00:00 – 09:59, 12:00 – 23:59 07.26_00:00 – 09:59, 12:00 – 23:59 07.27_00:00 – 05:59, 12:00 – 23:59 07.28_00:00 – 07:59, 14:00 – 23:59 07.29_00:00 – 09:59, 16:00 – 23:59 07.30_00:00 – 03:59, 06:00 – 23:59 07.31_00:00 – 08.02_21:59 08.03_00:00 – 08.06_09:59 08.06_12:00 – 21:59 08.07_00:00 – 08.08_07:59 08.08_12:00 – 08.10_23:59 08.11_06:00 – 08.12_21:59 08.13_00:00 – 21:59 08.14_00:00 – 23:59 08.15_06:00 – 21:59 08.16_06:00 – 19:59 08.17_08:00 – 08.19_05:59 08.19_08:00 – 08.20_03:59 08.20_08:00 – 08.22_21:59 08.23_00:00 – 08.24_05:59 08.24_08:00 – 08.27_11:59 08.27_14:00 – 08.28_03:59 08.28_14:00 – 08.29_03:59 08.29_14:00 – 08.30_09:59 08.30_14:00 – 08.31_09:59 08.31_14:00 – 23:59Hours for which no SUMS data were archived likely correspond to hours during which no valid mrvzi Dopplergrams exist.
For comparison, here is the keylist for the first record corresponding to a valid image in this series, compared with the FITS header for the original (mirrored) record:
SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = 16 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 839 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 839 / Axis length EXTEND = F / File may contain extensions IRAF-TLM= '16:26:24 (23/01/2004)' / Time of last modification BSCALE = 2.3439331437E-2 / REAL = TAPE*BSCALE + BZERO BZERO = 4.8974426270E1 / OBJECT = 'Merged image for 2001/07/22 14:46:16' ORIGIN = 'KPNO-IRAF' / DATE = '2003-11-25T02:46:45' IRAF-MAX= 8.168469E2 / DATA MAX IRAF-MIN= -7.188981E2 / DATA MIN ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel December 2001' / FITS file originator DATE = '2003-11-24T22:26:56' MAP_TYPE= 'Circular, Solar North at top, Solar East at left' ITIME = 60. DATE-OBS= '2001/07/22' TIME-OBS= '14:46:16' SITENAME= 'Merged Network image' SITE = 'MR ' GHISTSEQ= 5 GHIST000= 'Task IMMERGE V3.50 (03/11/24 15:26:53, V01.7.1)' GHIST001= 'gong_day=2001/07/22,data_type=vzi,map_type=circular,scale=400.,t' GHIST002= 'rim_file=grasplib$plm_200_coarse,itime=60,start_seconds=16,xorde' GHIST003= 'r=5,yorder=5,xterms=yes,syn_sid_cor=yes,restore=no,finterp=0,int' GHIST004= 'erpolant=sinc,orientation=counter,bb_bsgn=1.,ct_bsgn=-1.,td_bsgn' GHIST005= '=1.,ud_bsgn=-1.,le_bsgn=1.,ml_bsgn=-1.' TYPE = 0 DTYPE = 'V ' VELSCALE= 1. VEL_BIAS= 0. VCOR1 = 0. OFFSET = 0. FNDLMBXC= 419.5 FNDLMBYC= 419.5 FNDLMBMA= 400. FNDLMBMI= 400. FNDLMBAN= 0. C_MA = 400. C_MI = 400. PIXLENX = 1. PIXLENY = 1. B0 = 5.02608206241373 L0 = 62.4795874500001 P_ANGLE = 0. SEMIDIAM= 0.004579395384796 DELTA_L0= -0.767281035412452 N_IMGMRG= 1 MRG_IM01= 'bbvzi010722t1446' INORM = T END
T_REC=2001.07.22_14:46:46_GPS OBJECT="Merged image for 2001/07/22 14:46:16" DATE="2003-11-25T02:46:45" DATE__OBS="2001/07/22" TIME__OBS="14:46:16" T_OBS=2001.07.22_14:46:46_GPS CRPIX1=420.000000 CRPIX2=420.000000 CRVAL1=0.000000 CRVAL2=0.000000 CDELT1=2.361420 CDELT2=2.361420 CROTA1=0.000000 CROTA2=0.000000 XCEN=0.000000 YCEN=0.000000 CUNIT1="arcsec" CUNIT2="arcsec" CADENCE=60.000000 QUALITY=00000000 IMG_P=0 EPH_B0=5.026082 EPH_L0=62.479587 EPH_R0=0.004579 CAR_ROT=1978 IMG_X0=419.500000 IMG_Y0=419.500000 IMG_MI=400.000000 IMG_MA=400.000000 IRAFNAME="0" IRAF__MAX=816.846900 IRAF__MIN=-718.898100 IRAF__BPX=0 VELSCALE=1.000000 VEL_BIAS=0.000000 VCOR1=0.000000 GONG_OFFSET=0.000000 FNDLMBXC=419.500000 FNDLMBYC=419.500000 FNDLMBMA=400.000000 FNDLMBMI=400.000000 FNDLMBAN=0.000000 C_MA=400.000000 C_MI=400.000000 PIXLENX=1.000000 PIXLENY=1.000000 B0=5.026082 L0=62.479587 P_ANGLE=0.000000 SEMIDIAM=0.004579 DELTA_L0=-0.767281 N_IMGMRG=1 MRG_IMGLST="bbvzi010722t1446" INORM="T" ORIGIN="National Solar Observatory (GONG)" OBS__SITE="NSO/GONG NETWORK" TELESCOP="NSO-GONG" OBS__URL="http://gong.nso.edu" DATATYPE="REAL" WAVELNTH=676.800000 WCSNAME="Helioprojective-Cartesian" CTYPE1="HPLN-TAN" CTYPE2="HPLT-TAN" IMTYPE="VELOCITY" IRAFTYPE="REAL" MAP_TYPE="Circular, Solar North at top, Solar East at left" SITENAME="Merged Network image" SITE="MR" TYPE=0 ITIME=60.000000 VUNIT="m/s" DTYPE="V" T_REC_step=60.000000 T_REC_epoch=1993.01.01_00:00:46_GPS
#=====General Series Information===== Seriesname: gong.mrvzi Author: "Irene Gonzalez" Owner: slony Unitsize: 120 Archive: 1 Retention: 1000 StagingRetention: 3 Tapegroup: 8 PrimeKeys: T_REC Description: "Copy of NSO GONG merge velocity image series" #=====Links===== #=====Keywords===== Keyword:T_REC, time, ts_eq, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:09_GPS, "0", "GPS", "GPS Reference Time at center of integration" Keyword:OBJECT, string, variable, record, "0", "%s", "none", "Name of the object observed" Keyword:DATE, string, variable, record, "NaN", "%s", "none", "File creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)" Keyword:DATE__OBS, string, variable, record, "NaN", "%s", "none", "GPS date of observation" Keyword:TIME__OBS, string, variable, record, "NaN", "%s", "none", "GPS time of observation" Keyword:T_OBS, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:09_GPS, "0", "GPS", "GPS Time at center of integration" Keyword:CRPIX1, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Current X position for center of solar image" Keyword:CRPIX2, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Current Y position for center of solar image" Keyword:CRVAL1, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Reference Pixel value (arcsec)" Keyword:CRVAL2, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Reference Pixel value (arcsec)" Keyword:CDELT1, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "Plate scale (arcsec/pixel)" Keyword:CDELT2, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "Plate scale (arcsec/pixel)" Keyword:CROTA1, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "" Keyword:CROTA2, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "" Keyword:XCEN, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Center of image value (arcsec)" Keyword:YCEN, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Center of image value (arcsec)" Keyword:CUNIT1, string, constant, record, "arcsec", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:CUNIT2, string, constant, record, "arcsec", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:CADENCE, double, constant, record, 60.000000, "%f", "s", "Cadence (seconds)" Keyword:QUALITY, int, variable, record, 00000000, "%08x", "none", "" Keyword:IMG_P, int, variable, record, 0, "%d", "deg", "Image P angle (degrees)" Keyword:EPH_B0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Solar B0 (degrees)" Keyword:EPH_L0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Central meridian Carrington Longitude (degrees)" Keyword:EPH_R0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "radian", "Solar radius (radians)" Keyword:CAR_ROT, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Carrington rotation for EPH_L0" Keyword:IMG_X0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "" Keyword:IMG_Y0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "" Keyword:IMG_MI, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "" Keyword:IMG_MA, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "" Keyword:IRAFNAME, string, variable, record, "0", "%s", "none", "NAME OF IRAF IMAGE FILE" Keyword:IRAF__MAX, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "m/s", "DATA MAX" Keyword:IRAF__MIN, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "m/s", "DATA MIN" Keyword:IRAF__BPX, int, variable, record, 0, "%d", "bit", "DATA BITS/PIXEL" Keyword:VELSCALE, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "m/s", "" Keyword:VEL_BIAS, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "m/s", "" Keyword:VCOR1, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "none", "" Keyword:GONG_OFFSET, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Image P angle (degrees) " Keyword:FNDLMBXC, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Sun X center (pixels)" Keyword:FNDLMBYC, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Sun Y center (pixels) " Keyword:FNDLMBMA, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Major axis (pixels)" Keyword:FNDLMBMI, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Minor axis (pixels)" Keyword:FNDLMBAN, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Rot. angle (degrees)" Keyword:C_MA, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Major axis (pixels)" Keyword:C_MI, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Major axis (pixels)" Keyword:PIXLENX, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "none", "" Keyword:PIXLENY, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "none", "" Keyword:B0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "" Keyword:L0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "" Keyword:P_ANGLE, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Image P angle (degrees)" Keyword:SEMIDIAM, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "rad", "Solar semidiameter (radians)" Keyword:DELTA_L0, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "" Keyword:N_IMGMRG, int, variable, record, 0, "%d", "none", "Number of site images used during the merging" Keyword:MRG_IMGLST, string, variable, record, "0", "%s", "none", "MRG_IM01 + MRG_IM02 ..." Keyword:INORM, string, variable, record, "0", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:ORIGIN, string, constant, record, "National Solar Observatory (GONG)", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:OBS__SITE, string, constant, record, "NSO/GONG NETWORK", "%s", "none", "Instrument Site location" Keyword:TELESCOP, string, constant, record, "NSO-GONG", "%s", "none", "TELESCOP :: NSO-GONG NSO/GONG Network" Keyword:OBS__URL, string, constant, record, "http://gong.nso.edu", "%s", "none", "OBS-URL :: http://gong.nso.edu " Keyword:DATATYPE, string, constant, record, "REAL", "%s", "none", "Type of data" Keyword:WAVELNTH, double, constant, record, 676.800000, "%f", "nm", "Wavelength of obs (nm)" Keyword:WCSNAME, string, constant, record, "Helioprojective-Cartesian", "%s", "none", "Helioprojective-Cartesian" Keyword:CTYPE1, string, constant, record, "HPLN-TAN", "%s", "none", " Coordinate Axis Label" Keyword:CTYPE2, string, constant, record, "HPLT-TAN", "%s", "none", " Coordinate Axis Label" Keyword:IMTYPE, string, constant, record, "VELOCITY", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:IRAFTYPE, string, constant, record, "REAL", "%s", "none", "REAL / PIXEL TYPE" Keyword:MAP_TYPE, string, constant, record, "Circular, Solar North at top, Solar East at left", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:SITENAME, string, constant, record, "Merged Network image", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:SITE, string, constant, record, "MR", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:TYPE, int, constant, record, 0, "%d", "none", " Observation type" Keyword:ITIME, double, constant, record, 60.000000, "%f", "s", "Time between EOI interrupts for OBS type (seconds)" Keyword:VUNIT, string, constant, record, "m/s", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:DTYPE, string, constant, record, "V", "%s", "none", "" Keyword:T_REC_step, double, constant, record, 60.000000, "%f", "minute", "T_REC step" Keyword:T_REC_epoch, time, constant, record, 1993.01.01_00:00:46_GPS, "0", "GPS", "" #=====Segments===== Data: mrvzi_img, variable, short, 2, 839, 839, "m/s", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 1.000000, "gong merge velocity"
| HMI Ring Diagrams | 29 Jan 2024, 11:40-0800 |