HMI_Logo HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Module Specifications


Module Version
	0.7	23 IV 2010

General Description
	rdsinv performs an asymptotic sound-speed inversion of the differences between
	a set of target and comnparison ring-fit frequencies for the profile of sound-
	speed differences as a function of depth.

	Included in JSOC release 5.10

	The source code and Makefile are in the JSOC CVS repository

	rdsinv_v07 is a compiled standalone DRMS binary built with NetDRMS 2.4
	to run in the JSOC configuration. Versions are in:

	The source code and Makefile is in ~rick/src/rdsinv

	rdsinv_v07 [-v] [param= val ...]
	-v	run verbose

	in		Name of an input data set (record selection), data series,
			or file. If either a data series or explicit data set is named,
			the record selection may be further restricted by the values of
			cr, clon, lon, and/or lat, if specified. If it cannot be opened
			as a DRMS data set, the name is interpreted as a filename.
			Default: su_rsb.rdfits
	seg		Name of the segment in the input DRMS series containing the ring
			fit file with frequencies. Default: fit.out
	comp		Name of the data series or file containing the ring fit to be
			used for comparison frequencies. If a DRMS data set is named, it
			is searched for a record with values matching those of the in
			record for LatHG and LonCM (Stonyhurst longitude). If it cannot
			be opened as a DRMS data set, the name is interpreted as a file
			name. Default: yale_cb.rdVfitsc_avg
	out		Output data series name or directory name (if it cannot be
			opened as a writeable DRMS series). Default: /tmp
	cr		If specified, the Carrington rotation common to the
			desired set of input records; Default: Not Specified
	clon		If specified, the central meridian longitude common to the desired set
			of input records; Default: Not Specified
	lon		If specified, the Carrington longitude common to the desired set
			of input records; Default: Not Specified
	lat		If specified, the heliographic latitude common to the desired set
			of input records; Default: Not Specified
	no		Number of knots in frequency; Default: 6
	nw		Number of knots in w (accoustic depth); Default: 10
	nsol		Number of solution points; Default: 50

Input Data series class:
	ring diagram mode fits

Sample input series:

Output Data series class:
	ring diagram structure inversions

Sample output series:

Changes from Previous Version
	Outputs inversions from all requested input fits to the same DRMS record
	SUMS directory (or plain directory) as individual files named by what are
	expected to be the prime keys, e.g. 1988:330.0_15.0E15.0S

Bugs in current version:
	The specification of any of (cr, clon, lon, lat) will force the interpretation
	of the in argument name as a data series or data set.

	The default values for in, seg, comp, and especially out are not
	appropriate for general use

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