HMI_Logo HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Module Specifications


Module Version
	0.5	8 III 2010

General Description
	rdvinv performs an OLA inversion on a set of ring-fit parameters Ux and Uy
	for transverse velocity functions of depth

	This version has been superseded by Version 0.6

	Included in JSOC release 5.7.
	Never used for ring-diagram pipelines
	This version supersedes Version 0.3

	The source code and Makefile are in the JSOC CVS repository

	rdvinv [-v] [param= val ...]
	-v	run verbose

	-v	run verbose

	ds		Name of an input data set (record selection). Default: su_rsb.rdfits
	seg		Name of the output segment in DRMS. Default: fit.out
	car		(unused)
	lat		(unused)
	lon		(unused)
	amu		Error trade-off parameter; Default: 0.005
	ob		Lower frequency limit (mHz); Default: 1.0
	oe		Upper frequency limit (mHz); Default: 5.2
	rb		Lower radius limit; Default: 0.97
	re		Upper radius limit; Default: 1.00
	num		Number of target inversion points; Default: 40
	in		Input filename; if specified overides drms lookup of parameter ds.
			Default: Not Speciifed
	out		Output filename or data series name;
			Default: fort.10.hmixy
	kernel		Kernel filename; Default:
	ave		Output filename for averaging kernels; if unspecified,
			kernels are not written. Default: "Not Specified"
	coef		Output filename for inversion coefficients;  if unspecified,
			coefficients are not written. Default: "Not Specified"

Input Data series class:
	ring diagram mode fits

Sample input series:

Output Data series class:
	ring diagram flow inversions

Sample output series:

No major changes from Previous Version
Bugs in current version:
	If the input data are not specified as a DRMS data set, an output series
	cannot be created — module will exit with an error message.

	If the input is specified as a data set, the module dies just before the
	end on an illegal close of the input record. If the output is being sent
	to a named file, it will be okay, but no data will be written to a record
	in DRMS. As a consequence of this bug and the preceding one, no output
	can ever be written to DRMS.

	Arguments car, lat, and lon are not currently used.

	When writing output to a file, rather than a drms record set, only one
	set of files can be specified — if the input data set contains more
	than one record, each inversion will overwrite the last.

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