HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Script Specifications
Script Version
2.0 26 VII 2020
General Description
Produces time averaged power spectra over a Carrington rotation
from the power spectra of tracked ring-diagram tiles
This version has been superseded by Version 2.1
Not included in any JSOC release.
Used for pipeline production from about June 3 – Nov. 3, 2020, including all of
hmi.rdVavgpspec_fd05[2231–2235], hmi.rdVavgpspec_fd15[2231–2235],
and hmi.rdVavgpspec_fd30[2231–2235]
This version supersedes Version 1.9
See the script in the JSOC CVS repository for Version 1.9
with the following changes:
Line 50: 250 -> 300
Lines 72-73: commented out
Line 242: "exit code" -> "exit code 1"
Line 333: removed extraneous "`"
avgpsbycr [-test] Size CarRot
-test If specified, the output series will be in namespace hmi_test;
otherwise it is in hmi
Size The tile size of spectra to be averaged: must be 5, 15, or 30
CarRot The Carrington rotation number of the averaging interval
Input Data Series:
Output Data Series:
Modules invoked:
Auxiliary Files used:
~rick/hmi/notify (for addresses of email notifications)
~rick/hmi/rings/testoptions (for test options if -test specified)
~rick/hmi/tmpfs (optional locations for roots of temp and scratch directories)
if not present, both default to /tmp
Fixed Parameter Values for module datavg:
flags -v
mean logP
pkey CMLon
mscale 0.0005
mzero -11.5
param | Size 5 | Size 15 | Size 30 |
out |
hmi[_test].rdVavgpspec_fd05 |
hmi[_test].rdVavgpspec_fd15 |
hmi[_test].rdVavgpspec_fd30 |
in |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd05[CarRot] |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd15[CarRot] |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd30[CarRot] |
Sample commands:
avgpsbycr 5 2161
avgpsbycr 15 2096
avgpsbycr 30 2096
Changes from Previous Version
— fixed bug in failure reporting
— removed requirement for 5° tiles to run on old cluster queue
— increased vmem limit from 250 to 300M for 5° tiles to run on new cluster
— fixed bug causing failure to process 5° tiles when CMLon 180 is missing
Bugs in current version