HMI_Logo HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Script Specifications


Script Version
	1.9	2 III 2015

General Description
	Implements the synoptic ring-diagrams pipeline for “daily” analysis of
	local regions on three different scales, 5°, 15°, and 30°

	This version has been superseded by Version 2.0

	Not included in any JSOC release
	In use for ring-diagram pipelines ~ 2015.03.01 – 2016.11.08
	This version supersedes Version 1.8

	See the scripts in the JSOC CVS repository for Versions 1.8 and 2.0.
	Lines 320–328 and 456–467 of the latter were added to the former after
	lines 285 and 409 respectively of the former.

	rdday [-test]  SIZE CR CL [N]
	Auxiliary script names rdday_psp, rdday_qfit, rdday_inv, and rdday_cfit
	are aliases used to (re-)start processing at successive steps beyond tracking.
	-test		If specified, the input and output series will be in namespace
			hmi_test by default; otherwise they are in hmi. Also if specified,
			options for non-standard module versions or modules and input series
			namespaces will be read from a specified file

	SIZE		The tile size to be analyzed: must be 5, 15, or 30

	CR		The Carrington rotation number at the center of the analysis interval

	CL		The central meridian longitude at the center of the analysis interval

	N		If specified, tracking will start with set N rather than 0; only used
			for resumption of interrupted processing of 5° of 15° tiles (only one
			set of 30° tiles is produced)

Input Data Series/Records:
    		normal			test
	hmi.V_45s		hmi_test.V_45s
	hmi.M_45s		hmi_test.M_45s
	hmi.V_avg120		hmi_test.V_avg120
	yale_cb.guess_table[1]	yale_cb.guess_table[1]

Intermediate and Output Data Series:
    		5°			15°			30°
	hmi.rdVtrack_fd05	hmi.rdVtrack_fd15	hmi.rdVtrack_fd30
	hmi.rdVpspec_fd05	hmi.rdVpspec_fd15	hmi.rdVpspec_fd30
	hmi.rdVfitsf_fd05	hmi.rdVfitsf_fd15	hmi.rdVfitsf_fd30
	hmi.rdVfitsc_fd05	hmi.rdVfitsc_fd15	hmi.rdVfitsc_fd30
				hmi.rdVflows_fd15_frame	hmi.rdVflows_fd30_frame

	(in test mode, same products in namespace hmi_test)

Modules invoked:

	(in test mode particular versions of modules, or other modules entirely,
	may be used as requested, provided calling sequences are compatible)

Auxiliary Scripts invoked:

Auxiliary Files used:
	~rick/hmi/notify (for addresses of email notifications)
	~rick/hmi/rings/testoptions (for test options if -test specified)
		if not present, both default to /tmp
	~rick/hmi/tmpfs (optional locations for roots of temp and scratch directories)
	~rick/hmi/ (optional alternative base for temp and scratch directories)
	/home/dhaber/coefhrtest.dat (required for rdfitf)
	~rick/hmi/pike (fulfills required argument to ~rick/hmi/pikewatch)

Auxiliary Scripts invoked if present:

Fixed Parameter Values:
module:paramSIZE 5SIZE 15SIZE 30
rdcover,mtrack:length 768 2304 4608
rdcover,mtrack:max_miss 1000
rdcover,mtrack:qmask 0x80004000
gentargs:grid rdsyn05 rdsyn15 rdsyn30
maicalc:scale 0.04
maicalc:extent 5.12 15.36 30.72
maicalc:interval 5 15 30
mtrack:flags -voc
mtrack:map Postel
mtrack:scale 0.04 0.04 0.08
mtrack:cols,rows 128 384 384
mtrack:tobs_key T_REC
pspec3:flags -v
pspec3:mask_in 0.9765625
rdfitf:nmax 5 14 14
rdfitf:kstart 5,3,3,3,7,7 8,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,9,
rdfitf:kstop 38,28,20,15,12, 9 120,75,60,45,60,50,
rdvinv:num (21) 31 61
rdvinv:rb (0.99) 0.97 0.94
rdvinv:re (1.00) 1.00 1.00
rdfitc:guessfile yale_cb.guess_table[1]
Default Parameter Values (Fixed for non-Test mode):
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Sample commands:
	rdday 30 2100 180
	rdday -test 15 2100 195
	rdday 5 2100 200 4

Changes from Previous Version
	— minor fix to check status of maicalc and rdcover

Bugs in current version
	The option for specifying an alternate test series for the rdfitc guessfile
	is ignored.

	The intermediate input series cannot be overridden by the options file in
	continuation runs.

	Uses current default values to module rdcover for arguments trec_key, tobs_key,
	tstp_key, qual_key, clon_key, clat_key, crot_key, and pa_key.

	Uses current default values to module maicalc for arguments rec_step, mask_in,
	mask_ex, floor, trec_key, tobs_key, tstp_key, qual_key, clon_key, clat_key,
	crot_key, rsun_key, apsd_key, and dsun_key.

	Uses current default values to module mtrack for arguments interp, fillopt,
	map_pa, merid_v, trec_key, tstp_key, qual_key, clon_key, clat_key, crot_key,
	rsun_key, apsd_key, dsun_key, cvkey, cvok, and cvno.

	Uses current default values to module pspec3 for arguments mask_ex, apodize,
	fbin, and copy.

	Uses current default values to module rdfitf for arguments guessfile, nmin,
	npar, ntht, nthts, nrdtot, ux, uy, smooth, mdata, mfilt, xtol, ftol, feps,
	delta0, maxeval, igrad, iextrap, idiag, and iprint.

	Uses current default values to module rdvinv for arguments seg, uxseg, uyseg,
	amu, ob, and oe.

	Uses current default values to module rdfitc for arguments nmin, nmax, lmin,
	lmax, fmin, fmax, bfgsct, linminct, ux, uy, A1_guess, S_guess, and copy.

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