HMI Ring Diagrams
Pipeline Script Specifications
Script Version
2.0 8 IV 2016
General Description
Controls execution of script rdday. At regular intervals of time, instances of the
rdday script are submitted for each tile set (5° and, as appropriate, 15° and 30°)
in increments of 5° in Carrington time. Before submitting the script, the input data
series of HMI Dopplergrams is inspected for sufficient coverage. The input detrending
series is inspected for the existence of the required record; if not found, the script
avg120 is run to completion before proceeding. A “gatekeeper” file for permission to
proceed is consulted before the submission of any script. If unable to proceed within
a set time, the script aborts. Appropriate messages are posted for mail notification on
successful completion or abort, and some script submission (or non-submission) notices
are logged.
This version has been superseded by Version 2.1
Included in JSOC release 9.0
The script is in the JSOC CVS repository
This version supersedes Version 1.5
runrdsyn [-test] CarRot CMLonStart [CMLonStop [Spacing]]
-test If specified, all invocations of script rdday will be run with
argument -test
CarRot The Carrington rotation number for the (first) interval processed
CMLonStart The Central Meridian Longitude (with CarRot, the Carrington Time)
for the (first) interval to be processed
CMLonStop The Central Meridian Longitude (with CarRot, the Carrington Time)
for the last interval to be processed. Carrington time intervals
are processed in descending order of CM Longitude; If the stop value
is greater than the start value, processing will continue into the
next Carrington Rotation. Default: value of CMLonStart
Spacing The interval in minutes between successive runs of rdday (for the
5° tiles). Default: 540
Input Data Series (may be overridden in test mode):
Modules invoked (may be overridden in test mode):
Scripts invoked:
Auxiliary Files used:
~rick/hmi/rings/testoptions (for options when run with -test argument
~rick/hmi/tmpfs (for location of temporary logging information)
~rick/bin/tmplocs (parser for above)
~rick/hmi (backup location for temporary logging information)
~rick/hmi/pike (state file for permission to proceed)
~rick/hmi/pikewatch (watcher for permission to proceed)
Fixed Parameter Value:
The minimum acceptable coverage value for rdday to be run is 0.700
Fixed Parameter Values for modules:
module:param | SIZE 5 | SIZE 15 | SIZE 30 |
rdcover:length |
768 |
2304 |
4608 |
rdcover:max_miss |
10000 |
rdcover:qmask |
0x80004000 |
rdcover:reject |
~rick/hmi/qual/reject.V (linked to ~jsoc/hmi/tables/LHS_reject.v) |
Sample commands:
runrdsyn 2096 250
runrdsyn 2096 245 215
runrdsyn 2096 30 335 360
Changes from Previous Version
— implementation to require processing on avx cluster
Bugs in current version
The version of the script being run is not recorded nor reported.
There is no check for the existence of the "gatekeeper" files required for
permission to proceed. If the watch script is missing the script will die;
if the state file is missing the module will abort.
If the parser for temporary file locations is missing, or any of the listed
or alternate backup base locations are unavailable, logging and messages are
directed to /tmp wherever the script is run.
The max_miss parameter for module rdcover is 10000, whereas it is 1000 in
script rdday, so in principle the latter script could be submitted in cases
where the coverage criterion would result in its abandonment.
There is no option for using a different rejection list for the coverage test.