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HMI Ring Diagrams Data Product Descriptions |
Versions of creating module used to produce records in the data series:
Because the MAI is a linear fit at the target time of the several means of |Bz| at the sample times, it can potentially be negative, especially if all available values are on one side of the target time. This “feature” was addressed in Version 2.1, replacing a negative extrapolated or interpolated value at the target time with a simple mean. There are no records in this series with negative values of MAI.
The following records have been subsequently reprocessed and exist in multiple versions in the DRMS database:
#=====Global Series Information===== Seriesname: hmi.rdMAI_fd15_reproc Description: "Magnetic Activity Index data for 15-deg tiles subsequently reprocessed" Author: "Rick Bogart" PrimeKeys: CarrRot, CMLon, LonHG, LatHG, LonCM DBIndex: CarrRot, CMLon, LonHG, LatHG, LonCM Version: 2.1 #=====Links===== # ===== Keyword list ===== # # Format: # Keyword: <name>, link, <linkname>, <target keyword name>, <comment> # or # Keyword: <name>, <datatype>, {constant | variable}, {record | segment}, # <default value>, <format>, <unit>, <comment> Keyword: CarrRot, int, variable, record, -1, %d, N/A, "Carrington rotation at MidTime" Keyword: CMLon, float, slot, record, 360, %03.0f, deg, "Longitude of central meridian at MidTime" Keyword: LonHG, float, slot, record, NaN, %05.1f, deg, "Longitude of tracked region center" Keyword: LatHG, float, slot, record, NaN, %+05.1f, deg, "Latitude of tracked region center" Keyword: LonCM, float, slot, record, NaN, %+05.1f, deg, "CM (Stonyhurst) Longitude of region center at MidTime" Keyword: MAI, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, G, "Magnetic Activity Index" Keyword: dMAIdt, float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uG/s, "Rate of change of Magnetic Activity Index" Keyword: MeanBigBz,float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, G, "Signed mean of strong field" Keyword: dMnBigBdt,float, variable, record, NaN, %.3f, uG/s, "Rate of change of signed strong field mean" Keyword: BigBArea, float, variable, record, NaN, %.4f, N/A, "Fraction of area covered by contributing field" Keyword: T_OBS, time, variable, record, JD_0, 0, TAI, "Effective sample-weighted observation time" Keyword: BMin, float, variable, record, NaN, %.0f, G, "Minimum contributing B value" Keyword: LonBMin, float, variable, record, NaN, %06.2f, deg, "Longitude of minimum contributing B value" Keyword: LatBMin, float, variable, record, NaN, %+06.2f, deg, "Latitude of minimum contributing B value" Keyword: t_BMin, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, TAI, "Time of minimum contributing B value" Keyword: BMax, float, variable, record, NaN, %.0f, G, "Maximum contributing B value" Keyword: LonBMax, float, variable, record, NaN, %06.2f, deg, "Longitude of maximum contributing B value" Keyword: LatBMax, float, variable, record, NaN, %+06.2f, deg, "Latitude of maximum contributing B value" Keyword: t_BMax, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, TAI, "Time of maximum contributing B value" Keyword: RMax, float, variable, record, NaN, %06.4f, N/A, "Maximum magram r/R location in apodization circle" Keyword: MeanMu, float, variable, record, NaN, %.4f, N/A, "Mean center-to-limb parameter" Keyword: MeanPA, float, variable, record, NaN, %.1f, deg, "Mean position angle on image" Keyword: BadPix, float, variable, record, NaN, %.6f, N/A, "Maggram pixel fraction in apodization circle offlimb or despiked" Keyword: Samples, short, variable, record, -1, %d, N/A, "Number of contributing time samples" Keyword: Module, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "Creation module" Keyword: Source, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "Input data source" Keyword: Created, time, variable, record, JD_0, -1, Z, "Record creation time" Keyword: BLD_VERS,string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "JSOC library build" Keyword: HISTORY, string, variable, record, "", %s, N/A, "Record creation/modification history" Keyword: COMMENT, string, variable, record, "", %s, N/A, "" # remainder are constant for series Keyword: MapProj, string, constant, record, LambertAzimuthal, %s, N/A, "Map projection" Keyword: MapScale,float, constant, record, 0.040, %.3f, deg/pixel, "Map scale" Keyword: Size, float, constant, record, 15.36, %.2f, deg, "Diameter of region (nominal)" Keyword: Apode_t, float, constant, record, 0.96875, %.5f, NA, "Temporal apodization edge" Keyword: Apod_Min,float, constant, record, 0.9765625, %.7f, NA, "Inner spatial apodization edge" Keyword: Apod_Max,float, constant, record, 1.000, %.4f, NA, "Outer spatial apodization edge" Keyword: BFloor, float, constant, record, 50.0, %.2f, G, "Cutoff for rejection of weak field" # prime key slotting info (hidden) Keyword: CMLon_base, float, constant, record, 360, %.0f, deg, "CMLon index base" Keyword: CMLon_step, float, constant, record, -15, %.0f, deg, "CMLon index step" Keyword: LonHG_base, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index base" Keyword: LonHG_step, float, constant, record, 2.5, %.1f, deg, "LonHG index step" Keyword: LatHG_base, float, constant, record, 90.0, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index base" Keyword: LatHG_step, float, constant, record, -7.5, %.1f, deg, "LatHG index step" Keyword: LonCM_base, float, constant, record, 0.0, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index base" Keyword: LonCM_step, float, constant, record, 2.5, %.1f, deg, "LonCM index step" #=====Segments===== # # none #
| HMI Ring Diagrams | 17 Oct 2020, 15:55-0700 |