
Data Series Class: Annual means of fitted flow parameters averaged over turning point depths at each Stonyhurst location
Creating Module: ~rick/src/rings/xpflows
Input Data: hmi.rdubinserD_fd05

Data Processing Status

The series is expected to be populated at least once each year, and possibly as often as once per Carrington rotation, with a total of four records added per time interval. There is a single SUMS directory of size 288 kB associated with each record. SUMS data are archived to tape and maintained online indefinitely.

For current processing status, see the Ring-Diagram Status page.

See also the status report for the source data.

Data Notes

The fixed arguments to xpflows that have been used in populating this series are:

JSOC Series Definition

#=====Global Series Information=====
Seriesname:	hmi.rdubinmeanserD_fd05
Description:	"Annual means of binned Ui and dUi/dR fits for 5-deg tiles"
Author:		"Rick Bogart"
Archive:	1
Unitsize:	1
Retention:	2000
Tapegroup:	6
PrimeKeys:	Interval, RadialOrder
DBIndex:	Interval, RadialOrder
Version:	2.1


# ===== Keyword list ===== #
# Format:
#   Keyword: <name>, link, <linkname>, <target keyword name>, <comment>
# or
#   Keyword: <name>, <datatype>, {constant | variable}, {record | segment}, 
#            <default value>, <format>, <unit>, <comment>

Keyword: Interval, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "Interval over which statistics determined"
Keyword: RadialOrder, int, variable, record, -1, %d,      N/A, "Radial mode order"
Keyword: CT_initial, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "Initial Carrington Time"
Keyword: CT_final, string, variable, record, unknown, %s, N/A, "Final Carrington Time"
Keyword: StartTime, time,  variable, record, JD_0, 1, TAI, "Initial Time"
Keyword: StopTime, time,   variable, record, JD_0, 1, TAI, "Final Time"
Keyword: Module,   string, variable, record, unknown, %s, NA, "Creating module"
Keyword: Created,  time,   variable, record, JD_0, -1, Z, "Record creation time"
# remainder are constant for series
# remainder are constant for series
Keyword: nMin,    int,    constant, record, 0,  %d,     N/A, "Minimum allowed radial mode order"
Keyword: nMax,    int,    constant, record, 3,  %d,     N/A, "Maximum allowed radial mode order"
Keyword: RtMin_0, float,  constant, record, 0.9950, %.04f, R/R0, "Minimum radius for n=0 bin" 
Keyword: RtMax_0, float,  constant, record, 0.9995, %.04f, R/R0, "Maximum radius for n=0 bin" 
Keyword: RtMin_1, float,  constant, record, 0.9925, %.04f, R/R0, "Minimum radius for n=1 bin" 
Keyword: RtMax_1, float,  constant, record, 0.9975, %.04f, R/R0, "Maximum radius for n=1 bin" 
Keyword: RtMin_2, float,  constant, record, 0.9900, %.04f, R/R0, "Minimum radius for n=2 bin" 
Keyword: RtMax_2, float,  constant, record, 0.9950, %.04f, R/R0, "Maximum radius for n=2 bin" 
Keyword: RtMin_3, float,  constant, record, 0.9875, %.04f, R/R0, "Minimum radius for n=3 bin" 
Keyword: RtMax_3, float,  constant, record, 0.9925, %.04f, R/R0, "Maximum radius for n=3 bin" 
Keyword: WeedSchema, int, constant, record, 6, %d, N/A, "Weeding Schema: 6 -> targeted"
Keyword: WeedTarget, string, constant, record, "su_rsb.rduimedians[fd05c_nov19_1yr]", %s, N/A, "Weeding target record"
Keyword: WeedTolerance, float, constant, record, 75.00, %.2f, m/s, "Weeding tolerance for deviation from target values"
Keyword: MinCount, int, constant, record, 15, %d, N/A, "Minimum number of weeded fits required in interval"
Keyword: SourceSeries, string, constant, record, "hmi.rdubinserD_fd05", %s, N/A, "Source Series"
# prime key slotting info (hidden)

# Format:
# Data: <name>, {constant | variable | vardim}, <type>,
#       <naxis>, <axis_0>, <axis_1>,...,<axis_{naxis-1}>, 
#       <unit>, <protocol>, <comment> 
Data: data, vardim, char, 0, NA, generic, "Means"

HMI_Logo HMI Ring Diagrams
Data Product Descriptions