Solar Subsurface Flows from Helioseismology: Problems and Prospects

LWS Helioseismology Workshop #4

July 21 - 23, 2014, Stanford, CA

A scientific program is now available.

The list of attendees is also available.

The Stanford Solar Group will be hosting a three-day workshop on the determination of flows in the solar interior using helioseismology. The workshop will focus on challenges currently faced in making reliable measurements of subsurface flows, and prospects for improving current methods.


Registration is now closed.

Location and time

The workshop will be held in the Physics and Astrophysics Building, room 102/103, and will run from 9am to roughly 5pm each day (it will end earlier on Wednesday). Breakfast will be available at 8:30am. See the scientific program for more details.


The format of this workshop is intended to provide maximum flexibility for discussion and debate. Participants are encouraged to bring results, problems, codes, and questions related to the topics of discussion. Presentations may be of whatever length the presenter feels is warranted, provided the presenter feels that less than twenty minutes is warranted. Anyone wanting to give a longer talk should contact the organizers, but in general this workshop is not intended to be a venue for formal talks.

Please submit approximate titles to Charles Baldner (baldner at stanford dot edu) by the 2014 June 30 deadline — or at least before the end of the workshop. Participants may contribute results to as many sessions as they wish.

Location, Travel, and Lodging

The workshop will be held in room 102/103 of the Physics and Astrophysics Building:

Travel support

Financial support for domestic travel expenses, lodging, and per diem is available. Please apply for support as soon as possible by sending the following information to Haruko Makitami:

Please note that the usual rules for travel on government grants apply: rail or air tickets must be the cheapest class available. Per GSA rates, lodging may be reimbursed up to $144 per night, and meals may be reimbursed at a per diem rate of $56, less the cost meals provided at the workshop.


Stanford University is located approximately halfway between San Francisco and San Jose. Information on travel options can be found on Stanford's visitor information webpage.


There are many options for lodging on and near Stanford's campus. Please visit Stanford's Where to Stay page for more information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Charles Baldner.

Data for workshop

There are several data sets, both synthetic and observational, that we are suggesting participants use to test and/or validate their codes, and for intercomparison of different techniques.