Solar Subsurface Flows from Helioseismology: Problems and Prospects
Helioseismology Workshop
July 21 - 23, 2014, Stanford, CA
Program outline
This is the current program for the workshop. The list of speakers and the order should not be
considered final.
Monday, July 21: Understanding and Mitigating Systematic Errors
- 8:30am: Breakfast
- 9:00am: Workshop start
- 10:30am: Morning coffee
- 12:00pm: Lunch
- 1:30pm: Workshop resumes
- 3:30pm: Afternoon coffee
- 5:00pm: End of day
Session 1: Distortions, position angles, and 24-hour periods - problems with the raw data
Chair: Rick Bogart
This session is devoted to understanding issues in the data used for helioseismic studies.
Session 2a: The 'center-to-limb' effect and its effect on flows
Chair: Junwei Zhao
Helioseismic measurements of flows appear to suffer from an large systematic error that depends on the
heliocentric angle. This effect is particularly important in the measurement of meridional flows, as the
magnitude of the error can be larger than the signal. The first half of this session will focus on
characterizing and understanding this error.
Session 2b: Measuring meridional flows
Chair: Junwei Zhao
The second half of this session will focus on strategies for accurately measuring meridional flows.
Tuesday, July 22: Simulations, Inversions, and Results
- 8:30am: Breakfast
- 9:00am: Workshop start
- 10:30am: Morning coffee
- 12:00pm: Lunch
- 1:30pm: Workshop resumes
- 3:30pm: Afternoon coffee
- 5:00pm: End of day
Session 2 (continued):
Session 1 (continued):
Session 3: Synthetic data and validation of inversions
Chair: Jason Jackiewicz
Simulation data can be used to understand the more complicated processes that influence our observations.
This session will include both descriptions of available data and discussions of work that has been done using
these data.
Session 4: Science results
Chair: Charles Baldner
Wednesday, July 23: Unstructured discussion and breakouts
Participants are free to form their own smaller discussion groups. A number of small meeting rooms are available.
Douglas Gough will give a talk to conclude the workshop in the afternoon.
- 8:30am: Breakfast
- 9:00am: Workshop start
- 10:30am: Morning coffee
- 12:00pm: Lunch
- 2:00pm: Future meetings discussion
- 2:15pm: Douglas Gough - summary talk
- ~3:15pm: End of workshop