HMI_Logo LoHCo Workshop:
Large-scale Flows in CR 2100 and 2104
Flows and Structure of AR 11092 and 11093
Systematics — What Systematics?
Stanford University      August 17–19, 2011


(all times PDT = -0700)


The meeting will be held in the large conference room (102/103) in the Astrophysics Building (HEPL/KIPAC) at Stanford.

Participants wishing to participate via telecon should dial in on one of the following numbers:

and use the participant pass code For Skype access, use sushant97


John Beck* Douglas Gough Sylvain Korzennik* Jesper Schou
Rick Bogart Ben Greer Tim Larson Sushant Tripathy
Doug Braun Deborah Haber John Leibacher* Junwei Zhao
Sudeepto Chakraborty Thomas Hartlep Charlie Lindsey
Dean-Yi Chou Brad Hindman Kaori Nagashima
Sebastien Couvidat Rachel Howe* Stephen Pinkerton
Priya Desai Stathis Ilonidis M. Cristina Rabello-Soares
Hans-Peter Doerr* Kiran Jain* Ed Rhodes
Tom Duvall Shukur Kholikov Phil Scherrer
Irene González-Hernández* Rudi Komm Brian Schlottman
*via telecon

Notes: Parking and Getting Around on Campus

  1. We are no longer allowed to distribute free daily parking scratch-off cards. Visitors may park in any designated visitor/pay zones (marked with a green P) and use credit cards to purchase visitor permits valid at the meters for up to 8 hours (parking is free before 08:00 and after 16:00). The cost is $1.50 per hour. There are visitor spaces on the ground level of the parking structure at the corner of Via Ortega and Panama Street. We can sell daily A permits, which cost $12, and allow parking in more spaces, and daily C permits, basically hunting licenses, for $4.50.
  2. There is major construction going on which may significantly affect pedestrian access to the Astrophysics building where the meeting is being held, and our offices in Cedar and Cypress. In particular, Via Ortega, the road in front of Cedar and Cypress, is closed from the parking structure to Via Pueblo, along with the former parking area in front of those buildings. There is also construction going on along Via Pueblo. The best route from the parking structure and the offices in Cedar/Cypress is through the arcades around Y2E2 (the Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building).