Category Archives: solar flares
197. Announcing the Availability of Online Catalogue of SDO/HMI-Observed Off-Limb White-Light Events
184. Measuring the Compactness of Active Regions
179. SDO/HMI Captured Another Limb Flare in Continuum Intensity
167. White-light Continuum Observation of the Off-limb Loops of the SOL2017-09-10 X8.2 Flare: Temporal and Spatial Variations
An unprecedented observation of a limb flare in HMI’s white-light continuum shows that the white-light intensity at the post-flare loop-top continues to grow for 16 more minutes while UV/EUV intensities decay. Both the WL/UV intensity and the EUV intensities show quasi-periodic pulsations with a period close to 8.0 and 6.8 minutes, respectively.
140. Solar Flare Predictive Features Derived from Polarity Inversion Line Masks in Active Regions Using an Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm
116. Limb Flare Loops Observed by SDO Instruments
115. Investigation of White-light Emission in Circular-ribbon Flares
A total of 90 circular-ribbon flares are identified in 8 years of SDO observations, and 33 of them are found associated with white-light enhancements, a rate higher than non-circular-ribbon flares. It is thus suggested that the fan-spine magnetic field topology and the total amount of energy release plays roles in causing white-light flares.
90. A Comparative Study of the Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Flares Produced by the Largest Active Region of Solar Cycle 24
AR12192, the largest active region in Solar Cycle 24, produced 6 X-class flares, but none of them were associated with a CME. However, a much weaker flare, of M4.0-class, was associated with a CME. Magnetic field and morphological changes are analyzed during these flares to understand why this is the case.