Tag Archives: dynamo

205. Is the solar meridional circulation profile single-, double-, or multiple-cell?

Contributed by Yoshiki Hatta. Posted on October 22, 2024

Is the solar meridional circulation profile single-, double-, or multiple-cell? At least, a constraint of equatorward angular momentum transport by meridional circulation favors the double-cell structure, although the inversion with a constraint of mass conservation favors single cell.

204. Exploring Meridional Flow in the Solar Polar Caps

Contributed by Shuhong Yang. Posted on October 14, 2024

A surface flux transport model, using HMI-observed global magnetic field and active regions as inputs, with different polar meridional-flow profiles simulates the magnetic field in the polar caps. The simulation is then compared with Hinode-observed polar magnetic fields. The result supports an existence of counter cells above 70-degree latitude in each hemisphere.

168. Introducing the SPEAR Catalogue from HMI Data

Contributed by Aimee Norton. Posted on October 29, 2021

In order to make the properties of magnetic features observed by SDO/HMI more accessible, the Solar Photospheric Ephemeral and Active Region (SPEAR) catalogue has been created as an easy-to-read tabulated text file. Tilt angles from the SPEAR catalogue are shown as a histogram (top) and as a function of latitude (bottom) with colors indicating all regions (blue), regions with anti-Joy (red), and anti-Hale (purple) tilts. Over 40% of regions disobey the laws of Joy and Hale.

159. Magnetic Field Dependence of Bipolar Magnetic Region Tilts on the Sun: Indication of Tilt Quenching

Contributed by Bibhuti Kumar Jha. Posted on June 15, 2021

Magnetic-field dependence of active regions’ tilt angles are analyzed using the MDI and HMI observations for two solar cycles. The variation of the tilt angles with the maximum magnetic-field strength of the ARs indicates a nonlinear tilt quenching in the Babcock–Leighton process.

128. Evolution of Magnetic Helicity in Solar Cycle 24

Contributed by V.V. Pipin. Posted on June 25, 2019

A novel approach is developed to reconstruct the surface magnetic helicity density for the Sun or sun-like stars. The method is applied on the SDO/HMI-observed vector field synoptic data to study the temporal evolution of the Sun’s magnetic helicity density during Solar Cycle 24.