Tag Archives: CME

207. Simulating the formation and eruption of magnetic flux ropes in the solar atmosphere

Contributed by P. Vemareddy. Posted on January 8, 2025

The coronal magnetic field evolution of the AR 11429 was simulated using time-dependent magneto-friction model. The model reproduced the magnetic structure that has remarkable correspondence with the spatial characteristics in coronal extreme ultraviolet images.

174. Toward Improved Understanding of Magnetic Fields Participating in Solar Flares: Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Fields within Flare Ribbons

Contributed by Maria Kazachenko. Posted on February 24, 2022

Through analyzing a number of active regions, this analysis finds that while flares are guided by the physical properties that scale with AR size, CMEs are guided by mean properties, with little dependence on the amount of shear at the polarity inversion line or the net current.

173. Buildup of the Magnetic Flux Ropes in Homologous Solar Eruptions

Contributed by Rui Wang. Posted on February 17, 2022

This analysis shows that a new bipolar emergence, whose positive polarity collided with the pre-existing negative polarity, in AR11283 led to energy and helicity buildup in the form of magnetic flux ropes. Recurrent energy releases caused a few homologous CMEs from this region.

147. Recurring Homologous Solar Eruptions in NOAA AR 11429

Contributed by Suman Dhakal. Posted on October 14, 2020

Through studying three homologous eruptive events in an active region, the authors conclude that shearing motions and magnetic flux cancellation play a dominant role leading to the recurrent eruptions, and are key processes forming the eruptive structures.