Tag Archives: magnetic field

207. Simulating the formation and eruption of magnetic flux ropes in the solar atmosphere

Contributed by P. Vemareddy. Posted on January 8, 2025

The coronal magnetic field evolution of the AR 11429 was simulated using time-dependent magneto-friction model. The model reproduced the magnetic structure that has remarkable correspondence with the spatial characteristics in coronal extreme ultraviolet images.

206. Magnetic power spectra of the Sun and cycle dependence of magnetic network

Contributed by Yukun Luo. Posted on January 7, 2025

Magnetic power spectra were calculated using MDI and HMI data for two solar cycles. It is found that the sizes of the magnetic networks do not show a cycle dependence, but the power-law indices estimated from the active region and network sizes show an anti-correlation with the sunspot numbers.

201. Study of Bipolar Magnetic Regions using AutoTAB: Support of Thin Flux Tube Model?

Contributed by Bidya Karak. Posted on July 4, 2024

This study analyzes a few properties of evolving bipolar magnetic regions: separation of polarities, tilt angles, and tilt angle and flux relations. The analysis supports that the bipolar regions form from thin-flux tubes and Coriolis force plays an important role in forming the regions.

196. Observations of Rossby wave parameter variations during solar cycle 24

Contributed by Mattias Waidele. Posted on September 25, 2023

Equatorial Rossby waves are detected using the HMI’s time-distance subsurface flow fields. It is also found that the power of the Rossby waves show a positive correlation with the sunspot number, while the frequency of the waves shows an anti-correlation with the sunspot number.

194. Rossby waves and the organization of photospheric magnetic fields

Contributed by Breno Raphaldini. Posted on September 20, 2023

HMI magnetic field synoptic maps are used to evaluate the magnetic field structures’ organization and propagation as a function of time and latitude. It is demonstrated that the organization of longitudinal structures observed on synoptic maps is proportional to the level of activity at given latitudes.

186. Solar-Cycle Variation of quiet-Sun Magnetism and Surface Gravity Oscillation Mode

Contributed by Andreas Korpi-Lagg. Posted on October 17, 2022

Twelve years of HMI Dopplergram and magnetogram data have been used to uncover the solar cycle dependence of the magnetically quietest regions on the Sun and to reveal an enigmatic behavior of the surface-gravity wave energy contained in those regions.