Tag Archives: sunspots

201. Study of Bipolar Magnetic Regions using AutoTAB: Support of Thin Flux Tube Model?

Contributed by Bidya Karak. Posted on July 4, 2024

This study analyzes a few properties of evolving bipolar magnetic regions: separation of polarities, tilt angles, and tilt angle and flux relations. The analysis supports that the bipolar regions form from thin-flux tubes and Coriolis force plays an important role in forming the regions.

192. Magnetic helicity and free magnetic energy as tools for probing eruptions in two differently evolving solar active regions

Contributed by Evangelia Liokati. Posted on July 29, 2023

An analysis of two active regions shows that differently evolving ARs may produce major eruptive flares even when, in addition to the accumulation of significant free magnetic energy budgets, they accumulate large amounts of both left- and right-handed helicity without a strong dominance of one handedness over the other.

182. The magnetic topology of the inverse Evershed flow

Contributed by Avijeet Prasad. Posted on July 29, 2022

Inverse Evershed flow is derived from chromospheric observations. Coupling these flow with the non force-free model, the authors find that the flow is driven along magnetic field lines connecting network elements with the outer penumbra by a gas pressure difference.

173. Buildup of the Magnetic Flux Ropes in Homologous Solar Eruptions

Contributed by Rui Wang. Posted on February 17, 2022

This analysis shows that a new bipolar emergence, whose positive polarity collided with the pre-existing negative polarity, in AR11283 led to energy and helicity buildup in the form of magnetic flux ropes. Recurrent energy releases caused a few homologous CMEs from this region.

168. Introducing the SPEAR Catalogue from HMI Data

Contributed by Aimee Norton. Posted on October 29, 2021

In order to make the properties of magnetic features observed by SDO/HMI more accessible, the Solar Photospheric Ephemeral and Active Region (SPEAR) catalogue has been created as an easy-to-read tabulated text file. Tilt angles from the SPEAR catalogue are shown as a histogram (top) and as a function of latitude (bottom) with colors indicating all regions (blue), regions with anti-Joy (red), and anti-Hale (purple) tilts. Over 40% of regions disobey the laws of Joy and Hale.

166. One-Sided Arc Averaging Geometries in Time-Distance Local Helioseismology

Contributed by David Korda. Posted on October 25, 2021

Instead of the center-annulus measurement geometry that time-distance helioseismology typically uses, a new one-sided center-arc measurement scheme is developed. This method shows advantage in measuring subsurface flows in in a close neighborhood of magnetic regions.

159. Magnetic Field Dependence of Bipolar Magnetic Region Tilts on the Sun: Indication of Tilt Quenching

Contributed by Bibhuti Kumar Jha. Posted on June 15, 2021

Magnetic-field dependence of active regions’ tilt angles are analyzed using the MDI and HMI observations for two solar cycles. The variation of the tilt angles with the maximum magnetic-field strength of the ARs indicates a nonlinear tilt quenching in the Babcock–Leighton process.