Category Archives: Helioseismology

17. Is the recent discovery of the multi-cell meridional circulation a threat to the flux-transport dynamo?

Contributed by Bidya Binay Karak. Posted on May 27, 2014

Motivated by recent observations we have explored whether the flux-transport dynamo model can work with multi-cell meridional flow. We find that it can work when certain conditions are fulfilled.

12. Analyzing 60,000 Supergranules to Determine their Subsurface Flow Profile

Contributed by Tom Duvall. Posted on April 29, 2014

Analysis of a large number of supergranules observed with HMI and simulations with a convectively stabilized solar model imply that the average supergranular cell has a peak upflow of 240 m s-1 at a depth of 2.3 Mm and a corresponding peak outward horizontal flow of 700 m s-1 at a depth of 1.6 Mm.