Category Archives: Magnetic Field
106. The vector magnetic field of the Sun-as-a-star during activity cycle 24
101. Solar Open Flux Migration from Pole to Pole: Magnetic Field Reversal
100. Observationally Quantified Reconnection Providing a Viable Mechanism for Active Region Coronal Heating
99. A Comparative Study between A Failed and A Successful Eruption Initiated from the Same Polarity Inversion Line in AR 11387
97. Successive X-class Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections Driven by Shearing Motion and Sunspot Rotation in Active Region NOAA 12673
96. Evaluation of Applicability of a Flare Trigger Model Based on a Comparison of Geometric Structures
92. Photospheric Magnetic Properties of Active Regions: Br or Blos?
90. A Comparative Study of the Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Flares Produced by the Largest Active Region of Solar Cycle 24
AR12192, the largest active region in Solar Cycle 24, produced 6 X-class flares, but none of them were associated with a CME. However, a much weaker flare, of M4.0-class, was associated with a CME. Magnetic field and morphological changes are analyzed during these flares to understand why this is the case.