31. The Photospheric Size-Flux Distribution and its Relationship with the Small-Scale and Global Components of the Solar Dynamo

Contributed by Andrés Muñoz Jaramillo. Posted on October 31, 2014

Taking advantage of 11 different databases, we use statistical analysis to probe the nature of photospheric magnetic structures. We find evidence of two separate mechanisms at play, and propose that they are directly connected to the global and small-scale components of the solar dynamo.

30. Surface and Coronal Field Signatures of Implosions in Two Homologous Solar Flares

Contributed by Chang Liu. Posted on October 27, 2014

By synthesizing the results of photospheric field change indicated by HMI observations and coronal field variation suggested by the NLFFF modeling, we study the flare-related 3D magnetic restructuring and find it consistent with the coronal implosion scenario in the low solar atmosphere.

29. The STARA Sunspot Catalog

Contributed by Fraser Watson. Posted on October 2, 2014

The STARA catalog of sunspot properties from the SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI data is presented and discussed. For STARA, an automated detection algorithm is employed to compile the first sunspot record from space-based instruments. This catalog is publicly available at http://www.nso.edu/staff/fwatson/STARA.

27. Anomalously Weak Convection on Large Scales in the Sun

Contributed by Shravan Hanasoge. Posted on September 23, 2014

Observed seismic upper bounds on large-scale lateral (horizontal) convective-velocity amplitudes in the solar interior at the depth r/R = 0.96 do not agree with modeling results derived at a similar depth from global convection simulations. The observations of low convective-velocity amplitudes throw into question our understanding of thermal and angular momentum transport in the Sun.

26. SDO/HMI Multi-height Dopplergrams

Contributed by Kaori Nagashima. Posted on August 15, 2014

Multi-height Doppler velocity maps from two layers separated by 50 km are obtained from combinations of currently recorded HMI filtergrams. Using synthetic data of spectral line profiles produced in a convective environment, we test the ability to recover vertical velocity fields at different heights.

25. Solar Flare Forecasting Using HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data with a Support Vector Machine Algorithm

Contributed by Sebastien Couvidat. Posted on August 11, 2014

We attempt to forecast M- and X-class solar flares using a support vector machine algorithm and 4 years of HMI vector magnetic field data. With the true skill statistic as the preferred metric to estimate the algorithm performances, we obtain good predictive abilities. This may be partly due to fine-tuning the algorithm for this purpose, and to a choice of 13 SHARP parameters obtained from vector magnetograms.

24. Solar and stellar differential rotation and dynamo, mean-field vs. global models

Contributed by Gustavo Guerrero. Posted on July 30, 2014

Numerical simulations of solar rotation and dynamo have been performed over the last decades with the aim of understanding the physics of the solar interior.  Here we briefly discuss two main approaches, namely, mean-field modeling and global simulations. We also present recent results of hydrodynamic global simulations which reveal interesting aspects of stellar rotation.