Tag Archives: active regions

121. The Origin of Major Solar Activity: Collisional Shearing between Nonconjugated Polarities of Multiple Bipoles Emerging within Active Regions

Contributed by Georgios Chintzoglou. Posted on February 28, 2019

Magnetic flux of opposite polarities belonging to two different emerging/emerged bipoles inside multipolar magnetic regions, can experience “collisional shearing”, a process resulting in strong shearing and fast cancellation of magnetic flux near the polarity inversion line. This type of flux cancellation is found to be the cause of a succession of major flares and CMEs in complex active regions.

120. Magnetic Fields and the Supply of Low-Frequency Acoustic Waves to the Solar Chromosphere

Contributed by S. P. Rajaguru. Posted on February 27, 2019

Through analyzing simultaneous HMI’s visible-light observations and AIA’s ultraviolet observations, the authors show that a significant amount of acoustic waves with frequencies lower than the theoretical cutoff frequency can channel up along less inclined magnetic field from the photosphere to the chromosphere.

117. Evidence that Network Jetlets are Miniature Versions of Coronal Jets

Contributed by Navdeep Panesar. Posted on December 10, 2018

Observations of 10 coronal jetlets show that flux cancelation is usually a necessary condition for buildup and triggering of UV/EUV coronal network jetlets, and that network jetlets are plausibly small-scale versions of larger coronal jets.

114. What We Learned from a Long-term Study of Sunspot Physical Parameters

Contributed by Jing Li. Posted on November 20, 2018

Physical parameters, including sunspots tilt angles, total magnetic flux, polarity pole separations, and magnetic areas, are measured for most sunspot groups in solar cycles 23 and 24. Differences between Hale and anti-Hale sunspots in separate hemispheres and cycles are studied statistically.

113. What Makes CME-producing Solar Eruptions Happen?  Insight from Coronal Jets

Contributed by Alphonse Sterling. Posted on September 28, 2018

Jets resulting from eruption of minifilaments have lots of similarities to CMEs resulting from eruptions of large-scale filaments. This study on occurrences of jets can shed light on our understanding of what causes CME eruptions.

99. A Comparative Study between A Failed and A Successful Eruption Initiated from the Same Polarity Inversion Line in AR 11387

Contributed by Lijuan Liu. Posted on May 22, 2018

Two flares occurred in a same active region above a same polarity inversion line, but one had a failed CME eruption but another one had a successful CME eruption. This study explored why that was the case.

96. Evaluation of Applicability of a Flare Trigger Model
 Based on a Comparison of Geometric Structures

Contributed by Yumi Bamba. Posted on April 23, 2018

A sample of 32 flare events are analyzed to evaluate how these events agree with a flare-triggering model, which examines shear angles of large-scale magnetic field and small-scale dipole field during the flares’ precursor brightening.

93. Formation of Penumbra in A Sample of Active Regions Observed by the SDO Satellite

Contributed by Mariarita Murabito. Posted on March 29, 2018

Where does a sunspot’s penumbra start to form, on the same side or the opposite side of its opposite-polarity sunspot? When does Evershed flow start to appear, before or after the penumbral formation? These questions are answered through analyzing selected samples observed by the HMI.